Automation of Raw sugar Crystallizer tacho of Central Julio Antonio Mella

  • Mónica Mulet-Hing Facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica de la Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba
  • Ramón Enrique Fernández-Salazar Oficina Territorial de Normalización, Santiago de Cuba
Keywords: automation, sugar company, sugar crystallizer tacho.


This paper treats about the analysis of the actual  situation and prospects for solutions that permit economical and efficient automation in the area of Tachos of Sugar Company Julio Antonio Mella, as part of the "Supervisory Control Systems", for the first level of automation in this industry, performing the proposed automation in the central area of cans by PLCs .This proposal arises from the need to improve the crystallization process tacho 5 of that area, since it has no automation, that is, everything is done manually, which will bring undoubtedly a quality improvement the final product. The structure and control system variables are defined, proving the feasibility of the proposed solution. The essential result of the work involves the submission of a proposal of automation that has the structure of a control algorithm, taking into account the requirements, technical resources for implementation, the variables that must be observed and processed, as well as elements of final action; the respective field instrumentation is proposed, to perform satisfactorily the control with the minimum possible investment.

How to Cite
Mulet-Hing, M., & Fernández-Salazar, R. E. (2016). Automation of Raw sugar Crystallizer tacho of Central Julio Antonio Mella. Chemical Technology, 36(2), 237-253.