Didactic Principles in the Acquisition of Skills in the Practical Classes of Physical-Chemistry II

  • Plácida Miriam Salazar-Arrastre Facultad de Ingeniería Química, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba
  • Bárbara Ricci-Creagh Limia Facultad de Ingeniería Química, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba
  • Idelsa García-Ulacia Facultad de Ingeniería Química, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba
Keywords: physical chemistry II, didactic principles, practical classes, skills, GSA.


In this paper the experiences of teachers who teach the subject Physical Chemistry II, at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering at the University of East in the application of teaching principles in the development of practical classes of the course are exposed Physical Chemistry II, in order to properly develop in students the skills declared in the program itself.
 It shows how considering the didactic principles discussed here during the development of the Practice Classes, ie emphasizing the correct structure that must have these, planning, and systematization including teaching principles, is possible developing their own skills and influence the course preparing students to face increasingly complex problem situations in later courses.Generalized Scheme of Activities (GSA) of the subject, which help to develop logical thinking, look for the best solution algorithm and progressively strengthen the skills through these students are acquiring CP are presented.

How to Cite
Salazar-Arrastre, P. M., Ricci-Creagh Limia, B., & García-Ulacia, I. (2016). Didactic Principles in the Acquisition of Skills in the Practical Classes of Physical-Chemistry II. Chemical Technology, 36(2), 292-306. https://doi.org/10.1590/2224-6185.2016.2.%x