Wax extraction from filter Cake with Ethanol 96 ºGL at Laboratory Scale

  • Inés María San Anastacio-Rebollar Departamento de Química, Universidad “Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz”, Camagüey
  • Danilo Ricardo-García Unidad Estatal Básica “Antonio Guiteras”, Camagüey
  • Rubén Carlos Hernández-González Delegación MININT, Camagüey
  • Luis Eduardo Guerra-Rodríguez Departamento Industrial, Universidad “Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz”, Camagüey
  • Gretel Villanueva-Ramos Departamento Ingeniería Química, Universidad Central de las Villas, "Martha Abreu”
Keywords: wax, extraction, filter cake.


This article proposes a methodology for the production of wax starting from the sugar cane phlegm, in which aggressive substances to the environment are not used. The wax is extracted from the phlegm, a residue of the sugar industry, by using ethanol (with a purity of 96 ºGL) as a solvent. A methodology to achieve the extraction of wax from the filter cake was determined. A filter cake:ethanol ratio, where for every 0,05 kg of filter cake: 1L of ethanol was used. The operation parameters of extraction of temperature of 70 ºC, atmospheric pressure, speed of agitation 700 rpm and extraction time 2,5 hour were defined. Under the above mentioned conditions 86,17 % of extraction was achieved. The obtained wax presented the necessary characteristics to compete in the market of vegetable wax. In order to evaluate the design viability of a demonstrative plant for wax production, a simulation of the complete process with the professional simulation software (Super Pro Design) was performed. Laboratory obtained results were used for this simulation.

How to Cite
San Anastacio-Rebollar, I., Ricardo-García, D., Hernández-González, R., Guerra-Rodríguez, L., & Villanueva-Ramos, G. (2017). Wax extraction from filter Cake with Ethanol 96 ºGL at Laboratory Scale. Chemical Technology, 37(1), 159-171. https://doi.org/10.1590/2224-6185.2017.1.13