Substitution of the burning PRIOR SSB 10 for SSB7 in the Furnace 10 of the Company Major Ernesto Che Guevara
One of the fundamental causes of massive destruction of chambers and vaults in the Furnace of Reduction at the Ernesto Che Guevara Factory is due to operate the combustion chambers with excess of contribution of heat, causing that the flame of very high temperature penetrates into the homes, affecting the throats of the chambers, the vaults, teeth and arms. The burners current are Prior SSB10. In this paper is demonstrated that the burning Prior SSB 10 have double productivity that the SSB 7 with the same quantity of air to the burner. It is evaluated the substitution of the burning Prior SSB 10 by SSB 7 on the operation of the Furnace of Reduction No. 10 at the Ernesto Che Guevara (ECG) Factory. Demonstrating that the change not produce variations in the operation.
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