Performance Ratios of Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems and Theory of Errors

  • Javier Vilariño-García Universidad Alfonso X. El Sabio, Madrid, España
  • Higinio F. Menéndez-Milanés Universidad Alfonso X. El Sabio, Madrid, España
Keywords: performance ratio, solar module, theory of errors.


A detailed analysis of the different levels of dynamic performance of grid connected photovoltaic systems and its interface based on the development of a block diagram explaining the course of energy transformation from solar radiation incident on the solar modules until it becomes useful energy available in the mains. Indexes defined by the Spanish standard                 UNE-EN 61724: Monitoring photovoltaic systems: Guidelines for measurement, data exchange and analysis, are explained from the basics fundaments of block algebra and the transfer function of linear systems. The accuracy requirements demanded by the aforementioned standard for measuring these parameters are discussed in the theory of errors and the real limits of the results obtained.


How to Cite
Vilariño-García, J., & Menéndez-Milanés, H. (2016). Performance Ratios of Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems and Theory of Errors. Chemical Technology, 36(3), 392-406.