Treatment for coagulation-flocculation to effluent from Ernesto Che Guevara Company of Nickel

  • Sorangel Rivas-Romero Centro de Investigaciones del Níquel (CEDINIQ). Cuba
  • Gerardo Menés-Vuelta Centro de Investigaciones del Níquel (CEDINIQ). Cuba
  • Aimet Rómulo-Rodríguez Centro de Investigaciones del Níquel (CEDINIQ). Cuba
Keywords: effluent, dissolved nickel, coagulant.


Commander Ernesto Che Guevara Nickel Company’s Carbonate thickener effluent, as an average, contains 183,03 mg/L of total nickel, from this 81,3 % is in a dissolve nickel form. This paper aim was to recover the greatest quantity of nickel as possible from this effluent by using the coagulation –flocculation process. Test runs were carried out with hydrated lime addition in different dosages, for aiding coagulation and other ones with the previously distilled effluent. Six coagulants from different companies were assessed in different dosages, including an effluent that is common for all the tests. The best results were obtained with the use of the aluminum sulfate in dosages of 300 mg/L as well as hydrated lime at 150 mg/L, with a recovery of 91,70 % of the total nickel and 88,67 % of the dissolved nickel. With the predistilled effluent no high precipitation values were achieved. 

How to Cite
Rivas-Romero, S., Menés-Vuelta, G., & Rómulo-Rodríguez, A. (2017). Treatment for coagulation-flocculation to effluent from Ernesto Che Guevara Company of Nickel. Chemical Technology, 37(2), 195-205.