Statistical Analysis of the Grid Connected Photovoltaic System Performance Ratio
A methodology based on the application of variance analysis and Tukey's method to a data set of solar radiation in the plane of the photovoltaic modules and the corresponding values of power delivered to the grid at intervals of 10 minutes presents from sunrise to sunset during the 52 weeks of the year 2013. These data were obtained through a monitoring system located in a photovoltaic plant of 10 MW of rated power located in Cordoba, consisting of 16 transformers and 98 investors. The application of the comparative method among the middle of the performance index of the processing centers to detect with an analysis of variance if there is significant difference in average at least the rest at a level of significance of 5% and then by testing Tukey which one or more processing centers that are below average due to a fault to be detected and corrected are.
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