Design stage of purification for obtaining isoamyl acetate from oil fusel
In this paper was performed a preliminary design of the purification step for obtaining isoamyl acetate from fusel oil. For this task investment and projection are presented considering the quality of the product, the possible market and major investment institutions, was established technical project in which material balances, energy and production volumes to be performed plant design using as main tools technological surveillance and Excel. For a flow of 263, 14 kg / h of esters and esterification of waste fusel oil that was about 94, 26 kg / h of isoamyl acetate. Major equipment in the process was designed mixer, separator and distillation column. With the use of Microsoft Project was established by the different activities for the implementation of the project conceived in a period of seven months. In the economic analysis concluded that it will only be feasible if the plant develops as annexed distilleries installed.References
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