Recirculation of landfill leachate in laboratory-scale biodigester

  • Maria Elena López-Vega Centro de Estudio de Química Aplicada. Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas, Cuba
  • Ronaldo Santos-Herrero Departamento de Ingeniería Química. Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas, Cuba
Keywords: landfill, leachate recirculation.


The Management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in Santa Clara city remains unfavorable in all stages included in the management. We proposed as a general objective of this study, to evaluate the process of anaerobic degradation in landfills as biodigesters at laboratory scale, using leachate recirculation and soil as cover material in the rapid stabilization of waste. It was prepared a design of experiment 22 and monitored for 38 weeks, considering recirculation of leachate and cover material. The following parameters were evaluated in the leachates (pH, COD and Conductivity). The results demonstrate that recirculation of leachate and the use of cover material have a positive effect in stabilizing landsfills; causing an acceleration in stabilization, achieving COD values below 2000 mg/L, which indicate of a stabilized landfill [6,11].The reactor 1 (R1) at the end of the experiment showed values the COD in the order of 4000 mg/L, the only reactor at the end of the experiment was not stabilized. This shows the positive influence of the recirculation of leachate on accelerated stabilization in landfills as well as use of cover material [6,19].


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How to Cite
López-Vega, M., & Santos-Herrero, R. (2017). Recirculation of landfill leachate in laboratory-scale biodigester. Chemical Technology, 37(3), 470-483.