Improvement of the technical-productive system of the Base Business Unit Vegetables Canned of Camagüey, Cuba
This work is part of the research on the development of agro-industries in the territory, with the aim of perfecting the production structure of the Base Business Unit (BBU)of Conservas de Vegetales Camagüey, through the application of marketing tools and process engineering, for the diversification of products And assimilation of feasible new technologies, in the technical, economic and environmental dimensions. The determination of leading or representative products of the BBU in the market was carried out through the realization of the matrix of growth-participation, known as Matrix of Boston Consulting Group or BCG matrix. For the development of the proposed technical tasks, design and technological reorganization of production lines, the procedure proposed by Peters (1991) was applied. The application of the BCG matrix identified the leading products of the BBU, being defined as star product tomato derivatives. The incorporation of four productive lines: obtaining fermented vegetables with probiotic potential, multifunctional line, juice and nectar elaboration, and pump fruit candy in syrup, report favorable values in the efficiency indicators financed, with the net present value (NPV) positive, a internal rate of return or cost effectiveness (TIR) higher than Four percent , a period of recovery of investment (PRI) average three years for each production line. The preliminary analysis of the environmental impact of the technology shows the presence of positive aspects: the use of secondary products and the achievement of a residual current with the minimum drag load.References
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