Proposal of improvements in system of treatment of residual of Aceite´s Company Refinar of Santiago de Cuba

  • Waldemar Sánchez-Rivera GEOCUBA Oriente Sur, Santiago de Cuba
  • Telvia Arias-Lafargue Universidad de Oriente
Keywords: biological contamination, contaminating load, treatment of residual.


In order to accomplish the proposal of improvements in the system of treatment of residual that he decrease the contaminating biological load of Aceite's Company Refinar (ERASOL), it calculated average flow of residual generated, for the grease trap 1 of 1.925 L/s, in the cooling tower went from 2.836 L/s, in the cooling tower 2 of 1.249 L/s and in caldera's area 2.027 L/s. Next the residual where they find all of the parameters examined out of standard, characterized itself biologically highlighting the greasy and oils; As well as the DBO5. Also it estimated the contaminating daily load around each point for parameter determined. The proposal of improvements in the system of treatment came true with these aftermath of residual, which as includes a divisive mechanic, septic tank, filtros percolators or bed bacterial, anaerobic and aerobic lagoons.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Rivera, W., & Arias-Lafargue, T. (2017). Proposal of improvements in system of treatment of residual of Aceite´s Company Refinar of Santiago de Cuba. Chemical Technology, 38(1), 103-120.
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