Treatment system evaluation of wastewater generated in electric power plant operating with fuel oil. Technological alternatives

  • Pastora de la Concepción Martínez-Nodal Centro de Estudio de Química Aplicada (CEQA), Facultad de Química-Farmacia, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
  • Ligney Martínez-Díaz Central Eléctrica “Fuel Oil” Santa Clara Industrial, Los Alevines, Santa Clara
  • Iván Leandro Rodríguez-Rico Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
  • Elena Rosa-Domínguez Centro de Estudio de Química Aplicada (CEQA), Facultad de Química-Farmacia, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
  • Reinaldo Martínez-Martínez Centro de Estudio Termoenergético Azucarero (CETA). Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica. Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
Keywords: oleaginous waters, wastewater characterization, feasibility of treatment.


The present work was carried out in a Power Plant (CE) "fuel oíl" of HYUNDAI technology of the city of Santa Clara. Its objectives are to evaluate the treatment system of oily liquid waste (sludge) generated in the process of centrifugation of the "oil fuel" and oil and propose viable improvements from the technical, economic and environmental point of view. The system of treatment of oily liquid waste evaluated, has technical and design deficiencies, which do not allow the effluent to comply with the LMPP, established by current legislation, for its discharge to the environment. A physical and chemical-physical characterization of the mud was carried out; the% v / v of the phases that compose it was determined with respect to the total volume generated. It was shown that the residual water has an added value from the gains that can be obtained from the recovery of the fuel (organic phase). The analytical methods used are based on Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Waterwaster, 2005. The quality of the effluent was carried out according to what is established in the Compulsory Cuban Standards NC 27: 2012 and NC 521: 2007. The analysis of the profitability of the proposed investment was made through dynamic analysis methods: NPV (net present value), IRR (internal rate of return) and period of investment recovery (PRD). The proposed improvements to the existing treatment system; they manage to reduce the contaminating power of oily wastewater and are feasible from the technical-economic and environmental point of view.


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How to Cite
Martínez-Nodal, P., Martínez-Díaz, L., Rodríguez-Rico, I., Rosa-Domínguez, E., & Martínez-Martínez, R. (2017). Treatment system evaluation of wastewater generated in electric power plant operating with fuel oil. Technological alternatives. Chemical Technology, 38(1), 182-197.
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