Campbell-Bristow development Model for Estimating Global Solar radiation in the Region of Junin, Perú

  • Dr. Becquer Frauberth Camayo-Lapa Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú, Huancayo, Junín
  • Dr. Juan Raúl Massipe-Hernández Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú, Huancayo, Junín
  • MSc. Alonso Torres-Ten Centro de Investigaciones de Energía Solar de Santiago de Cuba
  • Dr. Jesús Eduardo Pomachagua-Paucar Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú, Huancayo, Junín
  • Dr. Marcos Oswaldo Quispe-Flores Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú, Huancayo, Junín
Keywords: solar energy estimate, solar radiation Junín, availability of solar energy


In order to have a tool to estimate the monthly and annual solar radiation on the horizontal surface in Junín region, in which is not available with this information, adapted Bristow-Campbell (1984) model for estimating global solar radiation monthly average.   To develop the model of Bristow-Campbell that estimates the average daily global solar radiation monthly modeling technique proposed by Espinoza (2010), were recorded daily maximum and minimum temperatures of 19 weather stations and the
equations proposed  by the Solar High Peru 2003 was adapted to this model.  The Bristow-Campbell model was developed with data recorded in stations: Santa Ana, Tarma and Satipo belonging to Sierra and Selva, respectively. The performance of applications calculated solar radiation was determined by considering the OLADE (1992) that solar radiation over 4,0 kWh/m2/day are profitable and 5,0 kWh/m2/day very profitable. The results indicate that the monthly average global solar radiation in
Junín  region is 5,3  kWh/m2/day corresponding to the  4,2 Forest and the Sierra 5,6 kWh/m2/day kWh/m2/day. Profitability is determined for the less profitable Selva and Sierra is very profitable. In addition, the operating model is simple and available to all users. We conclude that application of the Bristow-Campbell model adapted, it is an instrument of great utility to generate a comprehensive database of available solar radiation in Junín region.
How to Cite
Camayo-Lapa, D. B. F., Massipe-Hernández, D. J. R., Torres-Ten, M. A., Pomachagua-Paucar, D. J. E., & Quispe-Flores, D. M. O. (2015). Campbell-Bristow development Model for Estimating Global Solar radiation in the Region of Junin, Perú. Chemical Technology, 35(2), 271-290.