The Kinetic Behavior Of Iron Ions At Standard Qt Leach Of The Reduced Laterite Ores In Caron Process With Diferents Aerations

  • Dr. Antonio R. Chang-Cardona Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico de Moa, Holguín
  • MSc. Armando Rojas-Vargas Instituto Superior Minero Metalúrgico de Moa, Holguín
Keywords: caron process, kinetic of the iron ions oxidation, hydrolysis of iron ions, ammonia -carbonate leaching.


In the present study were obtained statistical equations of the kinetic (rate) constants of oxidation and hydrolysis of iron ions (K0 and K1) according to the variation of the specific air flow (Qa) and % Fe2+ in the reduced ore (MR) for two zones, for which one can predict their values for standard QT leaching conditions. Also shown are the graphics capabilities of these constants, which shows that in zones I and II, the two corresponding constant grow linearly with increasing Qa, when the % of Fe2+in MR is constant, but if Qa is constant, then, K0 grows in the same way, as it increases the content of Fe2+ in MR, while for the first order reaction, K1 decreases. This determines the use of different aeration regimens in each zone to reduce the loss of cobalt. In this way it has been shown experimentally that the high aeration system currently used in the QT test does not guarantee reliable results for the indicator- reduced efficient of cobalt- by high values of the rate constants of the iron ions oxidation in the leach of any type of MR. Indicating the need to optimize specific air flow (Qa) for different contents of Fe2+ in MR that are used in industry. Likewise, it can be suggested that study for industrial leaching conditions.
How to Cite
Chang-Cardona, D. A. R., & Rojas-Vargas, M. A. (2015). The Kinetic Behavior Of Iron Ions At Standard Qt Leach Of The Reduced Laterite Ores In Caron Process With Diferents Aerations. Chemical Technology, 33(2), 156-165.