Develop of a Sweet Cookie with toasted sesame and ground

  • Dr.C. Aldo Hernández-Monzón Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos. Universidad de La Habana. La Habana
  • Lic. Dialina García-Pedroso Fábrica de galletas dulces Siré. Empresa Nacional de Confitería y Derivados de la Harina "Confihar". La Habana
  • Ing. Jehannara Calle-Domínguez Instituto de Investigaciones de la Industria Alimentaria. Ministerio de la Industria Alimentaria. La Habana
  • MSc.Cira Duarte-García Instituto de Investigaciones de la Industria Alimentaria. Ministerio de la Industria Alimentaria. La Habana
Keywords: sweet cookies, sesame, functional food


The sweet cookies nutritionally are rich source of energy and they have great acceptance to world level and the sesame (Sésamum indicum) it is of the family of the oleaginous ones that possesses a high quantity of protein and fat where 80% belongs to the fatty polinsaturadas fundamentally linoleic acid, it has high content of calcium and the presence iron, magnesium and zinc, what makes it a functional food. This work had as objective to develop a sweet cookie with addition of toasted
sesame and ground with good characteristic sensorial and nutritional. The addition of the toasted sesame and ground it was carried out in dose of 10, 15 and 20% to the formulation of a sweet cookie. The sweet cookies were evaluated by seven trained judges to determine the most appropriate dose according to the general impression of obtained quality. The accepted formulation it was determined humidity, proteins, fat, ashy, calcium, iron, and zinc and texture analysis. The best formulation was
that of 15% sesame for the obtaining of a product with an acceptability of excellent, a percentage of humidity and typical fat of sweet cookies and high content of proteins and calcium as well as appreciable iron content and zinc. The obtained sweet cookie was characterized sensorial to possess a scent and flavor defined to sesame, good crujencia and harmony among its components, very pleasant hardness and the weight and thickness similar to that of other sweet cookies.
How to Cite
Hernández-Monzón, D. A., García-Pedroso, L. D., Calle-Domínguez, I. J., & Duarte-García, M. (2015). Develop of a Sweet Cookie with toasted sesame and ground. Chemical Technology, 34(3), 197-206.