Alternate Solution of the Marine Contamination for Water of Ballast

  • MSc. Telvia Árias-Lafargue Facultad Ingeniería Química, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba.
Keywords: contamination, water of ballast, sea traffic


The contamination for water of ballast brings it carries economic, social and ecological affectations that are sometimes of incalculable value. The pathogenic organisms have found themselves in water and sediments of the tanks of ballast, having significant economic and ecological impacts in the marine biodiversity of many regions of the world and important incidences in the human health. Our country is not exempt of these problems, to be an island located in the step of important marine routes, linked to the international commerce and to depend your economy in great measure of maritime transportation. In this work different methods of treatment of this water are explained that could be developed in Cuba. And although due to the costs the exchange of seawater is recommended out and the thermal treatment, intends as measure the possible implementation of a system of thermal treatment coupled to a filter for the desnaturalización of the microorganisms that are introduced in the tanks of water of ballast. The proposed system can or not to be applied jointly with the exchange of water in open sea.
How to Cite
Árias-Lafargue, M. T. (2015). Alternate Solution of the Marine Contamination for Water of Ballast. Chemical Technology, 34(2), 137-142.