• Dra. C. María Caridad Julián-Ricardo Universidad de Camagüey
  • Dr. C. Luis Beltrán Ramos-Sánchez Universidad de Camagüey
  • Ing. Angel Osvaldo Gómez-Atanay Empresa Soluciones Mecánicas de Camagüey
Keywords: mathematical modeling, simulation, bioreactor, SSF, scale-up.


Industrial scale Fix Bed Bioreactor performance simulations, that establish a base for the proteic sugar cane bagasse enrichment, employing a phenomenological model, is the main objective of this investigation. The product selected as study case is the same was developed by Ramos /1/ in his doctoral thesis, named BAGAMES, mainly compose by Siboney Sugar Industry residuum: bagasse, molasses and mud, with and a Candida utilis inoculum. The mathematical model employed is validated till 100 L scale, including the masse balance for the biomass development and for substrate consumption and the energy balance with a pseudohomogeniuss model. The system simulation has made with MATLAB 7.0.1 (2004) program. Here explored the variables: residence time and specifically air flow, which has been studied in the Solid State Fermentation Process. Has observed that specifically air flow ups, as downs the middle temperature and that exist an optimums contact time for the protein enrichment. Has conclude that the industrial scale simulation process forecast a suitable process control for a residence time for over 10 h and a specifically air flow over a 0, 2 L/ (kg min). In those conditions has obtained the maximuss biomass production, for over 12% BS.
How to Cite
Julián-Ricardo, D. C. M. C., Ramos-Sánchez, D. C. L. B., & Gómez-Atanay, I. A. O. (2016). SIMULATION FIXED BED BIOREACTOR A INDUSTRIAL SCALE. Chemical Technology, 32(1), 12-18.