Characterization of vegetable biomass coffee husk

  • Enma M. Manals-Cutiño Characterization of vegetable biomass coffee husk
  • Dolores Salas-Tort Especialidad de Ingeniería Química, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Margarita Penedo-Medina Especialidad de Ingeniería Química, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
Keywords: characterization of biomasses, coffee husk, size characterization.


This work has as main objective to evaluate the physical and chemical properties of different sample size classes of coffee husk as part of the thermal decomposition study of the samples. The granulometric study was conducted using methods: cumulative and differential, as result the average diameter (Dp) was obtained in each case. By the differential method the Dp = 1, 29 mm and by the cumulative method the Dp = 1,5 mm, giving a 13,7 % error which is an acceptable value. Applying the experimental methodology the following chemical properties were determined for each particle size: moisture, volatiles, fixed carbon and ashes. For moisture and fixed carbon content there is no definite trend, instead, by decreasing the particle diameter, decreases volatile matter content and ash content increases. Design experiments corresponding to the largest accumulations area was carried out and using the statistical program STATGRAPHICS Centurion XV it was possible to determine the influence of particle size on the properties studied, it was found that this has a significant influence in all cases performed.
How to Cite
Manals-Cutiño, E., Salas-Tort, D., & Penedo-Medina, M. (2019). Characterization of vegetable biomass coffee husk. Chemical Technology, 39(1), 192-207.