Evaluation of the quality of the concrete in built constructions with the system precast great soviet panel
The present investigation is focused in defining the quality of the concrete in built existent constructions with the system precast concrete Great Soviet Panel. They are necessary the speed of the ultrasonic pulse, surface methods and other parameters like the humidity and the potential of corrosion. When analyzing the results, you conclude that, in the elements precast concrete in good technician-constructive state that they conform the constructions in exploitation, the quality of the concrete is half. However, in the elements with presence of pathological damages the quality is poor. In these damaged elements, processes of chemical deterioration are evidenced, caused by the attack of the water that they generate formation of compound soluble of the pasta, the loss of mass, of mechanical resistance among other alterations. Equally the carbonation of the concrete is unchained that causes the corrosion of the reinforcement steel in turn. The realization of destructive rehearsals is recommended to obtain the resistance to compression of the elements, it stops this way to value the incidence of the durability of the concrete, in the behavior structural seismic of the built constructions with this system precast concrete.
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