Application of the New Technological System for maximum milk components recovering in industrial Lunch type cheese

  • Julio A. Díaz Abreu Facultad de Turismo. Universidad de La Habana. La Habana, Cuba
  • Yunaisi Vega Robaina Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos. Universidad de La Habana. La Habana, Cuba
  • Aldo Hernández Monzón Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos. Universidad de La Habana. La Habana, Cuba
Keywords: new technological system; ripen lunch type cheese; milk components recovering; economical effect.


A New Integral Technological System, with maximum dairy components recovering and minimum residual wastes, was recently designed for artisanal cheese making in Chimborazo-Ecuador. The objective of this work was to evaluate, according to the technical-economical efficiency indicators, the new system application to a semi-hard Lunch type cheese industrially produced in Cuba. Five production tests were done in which the curd cutting started at the optimum firmness reported for semi-hard cheeses, also measured with the Plane Angle Portable Penetrometer. To elaborate a flavored fermented drink, with mango pulp and probiotic cultures, was recovered 85% of the coproduced whey. In the system it was calculated the integral total solids recovering and in every production tests were controlled the processed milk quantity, the obtained cheese and whey mass, as well as the total solids contents in both products. It was obtained a whey fermented drink with acceptability of “I like it” and low production cost, having also a prolonged storage life up to 21 days at 4 to 7°C. With this New Technological System, applied to an industrial Lunch type cheese, the integral recovering of milk components was high -82% - and so significant the economic effectiveness; the additional net integral profit in the evaluated enterprise, processing 3 600 kg/day of milk, would rise more than one million pesos yearly having an utility margin of 20%. The whey recovering in this new system also implies an application focus of more clean technologies and a reduction of environmental pollution.

How to Cite
Díaz Abreu, J., Vega Robaina, Y., & Hernández Monzón, A. (2020). Application of the New Technological System for maximum milk components recovering in industrial Lunch type cheese. Chemical Technology, 40(3), 512-527. Retrieved from