Calculation of the corporate ecological footprint in the “Frank Pais Garcia” mill
The ecological footprint is an important tool to establish both the impact of human activities on the ecosystem and the corrective measures to mitigate these impacts. It transforms all consumption of material and energy into productive land (crops, pastures, forests, sea, built soil or CO2 absorption) giving us a clear and precise idea of the impact of our activities on the ecosystem. It is the "final" indicator because it transforms any type of consumption unit (tons, kilowatts, liters, etc.), as well as the produced wastes, into a single totally significant number. In this paper the Corporate Ecological Footprint was determined, a global and synthetic indicator that allows progress in the evaluation of the sustainability of the Molinera Frank País García Company in the municipality of Santiago de Cuba. For the calculation of the corporate ecological footprint, the proposed methodology in the document: "Methodological Guide for the Calculation of the Corporate Ecological Footprint" Doménech was used, with adaptations introduced in order to bring it to the field of the present study. The result obtained from the corporate ecological footprint was 0,02 ha / t, broken down into energy sub-tracks 0,011 032 ha / t, inputs 0,002 262 84 ha/t, built area 1,013 99℮-06 ha / t, indirect costs 0,000 400 536 ha/t waste emissions and discharges with a value of 0,014 952 7 ha / t, which represented 79% of the total, followed by the input sub-footprint with 12 %.
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