Effect of pH over growth and cellular viability of Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck local strain
Among the most important microalgae because of their economic and nutritional value, both for animals and humans, we can mention Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck, with multiple applications due to its protein quality and its metabolites properties. Despite this, there are limitations in the large-scale cultures, and gaps in relation with standardization of culture parameters, especially in local strains with biotechnological interest. This work it was evaluated the effect of pH into the range of 5 to 8, over the growth and cellular viability of C. vulgaris strain isolated from a water pond of the eastern of Cuba, stablishing aerated and non-aerated cultures at different scales in controlled conditions (temperature: 22 ±2,3 °C, continuous light Daylight TL-D 36W/ 54-765 with a photon flux density (PFD) of 3 000 lux (58,59 μE m-2s-1). The optimum pH value for the growth and viability of C. vulgaris was pH 7, favoring the autospores formation. The maximum values of cell concentration around 640.5 x104 celmL-1 were obtained in non-aeriated mini-cultures. Aerated cultures were developed in 1L of volume, at pH 7 and 7,5 documenting the better results in growth values, being 6066 ± 141x 104 célmL-1 at pH 7; 1,2 times higher than those obtained with pH 7,5 (4122 ± 112x 104 célmL-1) (p≤0,05), which is the recommended pH when Bristol media is used to C. vulgaris culture.
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