Microalgae-bacterial consortia for the biological purification of biogas

  • Sheila de la Caridad Brunet-Ramos Departamento de Ciencias Naturales. Universidad de Sancti Spíritus “José Martí Pérez”, Comandante Fajardo s/n. CP 60100. Sancti Spíritus. Cuba https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2154-2362
  • Janet Jiménez-Hernández Centro de Estudios de Energía y Procesos Industriales. Universidad de Sancti Spíritus “José Martí Pérez”. Cuba https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1631-6539
  • Julio Pedraza-Gárciga Centro de Estudios de Energía y Procesos Industriales. Universidad de Sancti Spíritus “José Martí Pérez”. Cuba https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1780-5297
  • Lisbet Mailin López-González Centro de Estudios de Energía y Procesos Industriales. Universidad de Sancti Spíritus “José Martí Pérez”. Cuba https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2362-5703
Keywords: biogas; purification; microalgae – bacteria; biomass.


Biogas is a fuel gas obtained from the anaerobic digestion of biomass and has great potential for the production of electrical energy and heat. The impurities presents in biogas are harmful to the equipment that uses it, being methane the most important compound. There are various methods of biogas purification: physicochemical methods, biological methods and membrane separation. Physicochemical technologies have high costs compared to biological methods. The latter are generally of oxidation, obtaining CO2, water, SO4-2 and NO3-. The symbiotic microalgae - bacteria technology is proposed as an alternative to eliminate CO2 and H2S simultaneously, with low energy cost and environmental impact. Microalgae produce O2 and favors the elimination of NO3-, PO43- and metal ions. Microalgae have a rapid growth rate doubling their biomass in periods of 3,5 h with harvest cycles of 1 to 10 days. They are characterized by the efficient capture of CO2, 1 kg of biomass can fix approximately 1,83 kg of CO2. They can grow in wastewater, contributing to the removal of nutrients throughout the year. Although microalgae have a high adaptability, it is essential to control variables that affect their development, such as: light, temperature, aeration, pH, CO2 concentration, among others. The combined use of microalgae and bacteria also allows obtaining by-products with high added value, in the biorefinery concept.


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How to Cite
Brunet-Ramos, S. de la C., Jiménez-Hernández, J., Pedraza-Gárciga, J., & López-González, L. M. (2021). Microalgae-bacterial consortia for the biological purification of biogas. Chemical Technology, 41(2), 277-295. Retrieved from https://tecnologiaquimica.uo.edu.cu/index.php/tq/article/view/5193