Energy evaluation at UEB Sugar Factory “Urbano Noris” in the province of Holguín

Keywords: energy efficiency; steam consumption; efficiency rates.


In this work, a study was carried out in UEB Sugar Factory “Urbano Noris” in the province of Holguín to evaluate the current behavior of the main energy parameters in the cogeneration process. Firstly, the steam generation system was analyzed and the generation efficiency and the different lines of energy losses were determined with the causes that origin them. Subsequently, the study of the production process was carried out, making the mass and energy balances in all sections of the same to determine the different flows and the consumption of water vapor needed in all the primary and technological equipment of the system. Next, the essential balance of bagasse was carried out to determine the relationship between the consumption and availability of this fuel and the different energy efficiency indices were calculated, where the results obtained correspond to a 65,15% efficiency of generation being satisfactory, the generation rate turned out to be 2,42; the consumption rate in Casa de Calderas was 0,47 kg of steam / kg of cane, the highest percentage of energy loss was due to the high humidity of the bagasse, the remaining bagasse represents 16,84% of the bagasse available in the industry and the percentaje of steam used in the evaporation system produced by itself was 35,32%.


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How to Cite
Téllez-Pol, Y. V., & Soler-Pérez, S. (2021). Energy evaluation at UEB Sugar Factory “Urbano Noris” in the province of Holguín. Chemical Technology, 41(2), 370-387. Retrieved from