Influence of temperature and thermal activation time on the alkaline solubility of the zeolites from the Caimanes deposit
In order to determine, through the solubility of silicon and aluminum in an alkaline medium, the temperature and the time of thermal activation in which the zeolitized tuffs of the Caimanes deposit behave more reactive, the natural and calcined zeolitic material was characterized through Fluorescence X-ray, X-ray Diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The solubility of aluminum and silicon in alkaline medium of these thermally activated zeolitized tuffs show that materials calcined at 500ºC are more reactive for the two elements aluminum and silicon. The best results are between 60 and 90 minutes, with the best technical-economic variant of the activation time at 60 minutes. The results allowed to determine that the physical effect predominates in the pozzolanic reaction of these materials, it is also possible to obtain a pozzolanic material that allows the partial replacement of Portland cement as a binder, to maintain or improve its physical-mechanical properties. The mineral phases identified by XRD in the natural zeolitized tuff sample are heulandite-clinoptilolite, calcite and quartz. Furthermore, after activation at 350ºC, the phases remain without perceptible changes by this technique, not at 500ºC, where the zeolitic phases disappear, leaving only calcite and quartz.
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