Characterization of the procedure for obtaining Moringa oleifera oil in relation to the type of seeds
Moringa oleifera is a plant with a large number of therapeutic properties that enhance its use in the treatment of various diseases. One of the most usable parts is the seed due to its oil content between 35 and 40 %. The objective of these work was to evaluate the process of obtaining Moringa oleifera oil by cold hydraulic pressing in terms of performance and physicochemical characteristics, quantifying the losses. To carry out the work, approximately 100 kg of Moringa oleifera seeds were used, preserved in jute fiber bags and 100 kg repackaged in nylon fiber bags due to deterioration. The oil was extracted by cold pressing, and the fatty acid profile was determined by gas chromatography. The yield value, based on the seeds conserved in jute bags, in nylon bags and the control, was 22, 99, 19,05 and 20,31 %, respectively. The fatty acid profile showed oleic acid as the major component, representing approximately 80 %, a similar value for the three pressed continuously carried out on seeds, both preserved in jute bags, as well as in nylon and the type of seed. The cold pressing procedure showed higher oil yield in the seeds preserved in jute bags than those repackaged in nylon. The oil retained high quality characteristics, containing mostly oleic acid, so it can be used for both edible and cosmetic purposes or for body massage.
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