Influence of citric acid concentration on the propeties of invert sugar syrups

  • Leissy Gómez-Brizuela Centro de Estudios Biotecnológicos. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Universidad de Matanzas, Cuba
  • Wendy Vázquez-Sotolongo Departamento de Ingeniería Química. Facultad de Ingeniera. Universidad de Matanzas, Cuba
  • Héctor Luis Ramírez-Pérez Centro de Estudios Biotecnológicos. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Universidad de Matanzas, Cuba
  • Jesús Luis-Orozco Departamento de Ingeniería Química. Facultad de Ingeniera. Universidad de Matanzas, Cuba
  • Jonathan Serrano-Febles Departamento de Ingeniería Química. Facultad de Ingeniera. Universidad de Matanzas, Cuba
Keywords: acid hydrolysis; citric acid; syrup, sensory characteristic


The food industry represents an important economic sector worldwide. Cuba, being a highly sugar-producing country, is in turn a producer of different types of sweetener syrups. In this work, a study of the variation of acid concentrations is carried out in 10 variants of syrup preparations in order to determine its influence on the hydrolysis process and on the established sensory quality parameters. We find that the amount of acid influences the concentration of reducing sugars as well as the pH of the solutions; besides, the dissolved and insoluble solids do not depend on the dose of added acid. Through sensory evaluation, we determine that the sample with the least amount of citric acid is the one with the best taste on the palate. The economic evaluation shows that with the reduction of citric acid in the process (7 kg per temper to 1 kg per temper), a saving of 66 CUC per temper is achieved, making the process more profitable.


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How to Cite
Gómez-Brizuela, L., Vázquez-Sotolongo, W., Ramírez-Pérez, H. L., Luis-Orozco, J., & Serrano-Febles, J. (2022). Influence of citric acid concentration on the propeties of invert sugar syrups. Chemical Technology, 42(2), 214-230. Retrieved from