Characterization of the physical chemical composition of pulps of three ecotypes of soursop (Annona muricata L.) and obtaining nectar with whey

Keywords: nona muricata; soursop; whey; calcium; phosphorus; néctar.


The aim of this research was to compare the physicochemical composition of pulps of three ecotypes of soursop (Annona muricata L) to obtain nectar with whey, their physical characteristics, bromatological and physicochemicals (ash, protein, fat, moisture, fiber, phenolic compounds and calcium). The results showed significant statistical differences between the pulps regarding their physical, bromatological and physicochemical properties; except for fat analysis. The soursop pulp of the black ecotype had a higher calcium content 507,283 mg / kg (P <0,05) than white and yellow soursop and phosphorous 520,500 mg / kg more than the yellow. Likewise, it has adequate technological properties such as little fiber; pH of 4,55, Brix of 18,2 and best yield 63,2% despite being the smallest with an average length of 9,6 ± 1,8 cm and diameter of 8,7 ± 1,0 cm. The nectars had high content of calcium and phosphorus 182,50 and 285,50 mg / kilo of nectar, although no significant differences were found between nectars of the three soursop ecotypes, but there were significant differences in the organoleptic results; where the nectars with the ecotype black and yellow had greater acceptability tan ecotype white, the first two being ideal for processing of nectars.


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How to Cite
Paitan-Anticona, E., Marmolejo-Gutarra, D., Marmolejo-Gutarra, K., Sotelo-Méndez, A., & Cueva-Ríos, M. (2022). Characterization of the physical chemical composition of pulps of three ecotypes of soursop (Annona muricata L.) and obtaining nectar with whey. Chemical Technology, 42(3), 452-472. Retrieved from