Biodegradation of lignocellulosic agroindustrial wastes by Pleurotus spp
One of the most economically viable processes for the bioconversion of lignocellulosic agroindustrial wastes is the production of edible mushrooms by solid state fermentation (SSF), achieving high value-added products as a result of the process. It is important to evaluate the degree of biodegradation presented by the different substrates by Pleurotus, since it is a process of multifactorial dependence. The objective of this work was to evaluate the biodegradation of lignocellulosic agroindustrial wastes: coffee pulp, cocoa shell and others. The criteria of bioconversion, biological efficiency, the Carbon/Nitrogen (C/N) ratio and the changes in the initial and final composition of the residues were used. Variations are shown in: C/N, crude fiber, lignin, polyphenols, caffeine, organic matter, and in the bioconversion levels in both residues. The most notable were the decreases in the content of caffeine, crude fiber, C/N, lignin and polyphenols. In the evaluation made of different lignocellulosic wastes are evident many aspects: the Pleurotus species used is very important, the chemical composition and the physical characteristics of the wastes for the development and growth of Pleurotus and therefore for its biodegradation. Some factors show a direct or indirect relationship with biodegradation, but they cannot be considered absolute conditioning factors since they are subject to the influence of many other factors. The cultivation of Pleurotus spp mushrooms can be considered as a prominent biotechnological process for the reduction and recovery of wastes, which can be used to produce value-added products and therefore contribute to the circular economy.
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