Application of an edible coating to the strawberry (Fragaria Vesca L.) to preserve it post-harvest

  • Daniela Briggitte Castillo-Bautista Carrera de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ingenierías, Universidad Técnica deEsmeraldas “Luis Vargas Torres”, Esmeraldas, Ecuador.
  • Maribel Cuello-Pérez Carrera de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ingenierías, Universidad Técnica deEsmeraldas “Luis Vargas Torres”, Esmeraldas, Ecuador.
  • Yasmin Teresa Blanco-López Carrera de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ingenierías, Universidad Técnica deEsmeraldas “Luis Vargas Torres”, Esmeraldas, Ecuador.
  • Osmir Cabrera-Blanco Carrera de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ingenierías, Universidad Técnica deEsmeraldas “Luis Vargas Torres”, Esmeraldas, Ecuador.
  • Douglas E. Arroyo-Quiñonez Carrera de Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ingenierías, Universidad Técnica deEsmeraldas “Luis Vargas Torres”, Esmeraldas, Ecuador.
Keywords: edible coatings; gelatin; cassava starch; strawberry.


The present research aimed to propose the design and implementation of edible coatings for strawberries (Fragaria vesca L.), the effect of six different coatings formulated based on gelatin, cassava starch, and a combination between the two mentioned above was evaluated against a control treatment (without coating) to enhance the extension of the post-harvest useful life of the strawberry at room temperature (298K) and refrigeration (277-281K). For the experiment, three repetitions were carried out for each treatment and the effect of the coating application was determined through analysis: physicochemical (weight loss, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids), microbiological (count of total coliforms, molds, and yeasts) and sensory (taste, color, smell). Once the best treatment had been determined, a sensory acceptance analysis was carried out, based on the interpretation of the evaluation of 15 non-professional panelists (survey) using a 5-point hedonic scale.Strawberries covered and stored at room temperature could only be evaluated for 5 days, while those stored in refrigeration increased their shelf life by 9 days. The treatment containing 3,6% gelatin in the coating formulation was better than the one containing cassava starch or combinations of both. The results obtained in this research demonstrated the efficacy of edible coatings for the extension of the useful life of strawberries, maintaining their microbiological and physicochemical characteristics.


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How to Cite
Castillo-Bautista, D. B., Cuello-Pérez, M., Blanco-López, Y. T., Cabrera-Blanco, O., & Arroyo-Quiñonez, D. E. (2023). Application of an edible coating to the strawberry (Fragaria Vesca L.) to preserve it post-harvest. Chemical Technology, 43(2), 290-308. Retrieved from