Generation rate of a wood waste gasification plant

  • René Lesme-Jaén Centro de Estudios de Energía y Refrigeración, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba. Cuba
  • José Rolando Dupuy-Parra Centro de Aplicación Tecnológica para el Desarrollo Sostenible, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
Keywords: wastes; gasification; electricity


In this work, an energy analysis of a waste gasification and electricity generation plant was carried out to evaluate the energy sustainability and electricity generation indices. The analysis is based on the laws of thermodynamics, ideal gases and indicators of this type of technology reported in the scientific literature. The procedure was used to evaluate a waste gasification plant in the Pueblo Nuevo de Guantánamo sawmill, which will have a downdraft gasifier and a Mercedes Benz No.815931 engine, type OM 447. The results show that with the use of waste it is possible to meet the demand for electricity from the sawmill, deliver electricity to the national grid and thermal energy for other uses in the industry with an electricity generation rate of 0,375 GWh per tons of waste processed and an energy sustainability rate of 93.65 00 MWh of renewable electricity per MWh of electricity consumed from fossil fuel.


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How to Cite
Lesme-Jaén, R., & Dupuy-Parra, J. R. (2023). Generation rate of a wood waste gasification plant. Chemical Technology, 43(3), 553-570. Retrieved from