Synthetic index to evaluate the hydraulic drought

Keywords: Guantanamo; Hydraulic Drought Index; Hydraulic Drought; Manuel Tames.


For the systematic evaluation of the hydraulic drought, precise and formal data of habitual observations of both, variables of the hydrological cycle and those associated with the hydraulic infrastructure are needed. Managing this type of drought requires innovative techniques to assess water resources under extreme conditions. This research was focused on the design of a methodological tool for the evaluation of hydraulic drought. Initially, the search for tools for drought management was intended, identifying 18 environmental indicators and 46 indexes among the most used for monitoring and control, from which seven are selected. Methodological gaps are identified for the evaluation of hydraulics drought through specific indicators. An index is proposed to evaluate the state of water resources during drought events, validated in the Manuel Tames municipality of Guantánamo province, with the purpose of influencing the improvement of the management of this valuable resource supporting the decision-making process.


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How to Cite
Ferrer-Pozo, E., Gómez-Luna, L., & González-Díaz, Y. (2023). Synthetic index to evaluate the hydraulic drought. Chemical Technology, 43(3), 587-603. Retrieved from

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