Chemical precipitation of Ni(OH)2 from the product-liquor in the Caron Technology

Keywords: nickel hydroxide; product liquor; precipitation.


Laboratory scale tests were carried out with the objective of evaluating the chemical precipitation of nickel (II) hydroxide, from the liquor product of the ammoniacal carbonate leaching process, after the separation of cobalt, from the nickel producer company Ernesto Che Guevara, Cuba. The procedure consisted of the pre-distillation of the liquor and the subsequent precipitation of the nickel with sodium hydroxide. As a result, the synthesis liquor was conditioned up to a concentration of ammonia of 29,91 g/L, nickel 8,92 g/L and magnesium 0,136 g/L, with the presence of traces of manganese, cobalt, iron, copper and zinc. The pH and the reaction time exerted a statistically significant influence on the Ni(OH)2 precipitation. It was determined that the maximum nickel precipitation efficiency of 92,41 % is reached at pH 13,5, residence time 1 h and specific consumption of 5,25 g NaOH per g Ni(OH)2. The precipitate presented a nickel concentration of 60,13 (+/-2,10) % and 0,70 % of metallic impurities.


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How to Cite
Vidiaux-Arcia, L., García-Frómeta, L. Ángel, & Cisneros-Sánchez, D. (2023). Chemical precipitation of Ni(OH)2 from the product-liquor in the Caron Technology. Chemical Technology, 43(3), 661-676. Retrieved from