Methodological proposal to implement investment project as a process of technology transfer and assimilation

Keywords: investment project; methodology; technology transfer; maintenance.


Investment projects in Cuban industry present problems because they are not developed with the required quality. This paper aims to propose a methodology for carrying out investment projects as a process of technology transfer and assimilation. A compendium of various ways of carrying out investment projects is made, the current state of Cuban investments and their main difficulties are analyzed, and foreign investment, which is the main current form of investment in Cuba. A methodological proposal is developed for carrying out investment projects that includes a series of detailed steps on how investments should be made in Cuba. The main variables of an investment project are analyzed: feasibility, risk analysis and commissioning, in addition to the need to prioritize maintenance as the main thing within the investment project.


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How to Cite
Gómez-Franco, M. L., Castillo Serrano, J., Ley-Chong, N., & González-Suárez, E. (2024). Methodological proposal to implement investment project as a process of technology transfer and assimilation. Chemical Technology, 44(1), 180-196. Retrieved from