Implementation of the hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) system for syrup production
The base business unit "Tecnoazucar Villa Clara," belonging to the Tecnoazucar
company, has as part of its social object the production of syrups. This product,
which has a high demand from the population, is being affected by problems that
could compromise its safety. Therefore, the objective of this research focuses on
proposing the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system. For
its development, a diagnosis of the base business unit was conducted, based on
the application of a checklist that meets the requirements established in the
NC ISO 22000:2018 Food Safety Management System. Additionally, other
techniques such as direct observation, consultation of entity documents, process
flow diagram, decision tree, and interviews were used. As a result, it was
confirmed that, due to the magnitude of the non-conformities detected, the
factory is not in a position to implement a food safety management system.
However, an improvement in the product can be achieved by implementing the
HACCP system proposal, through which significant hazards were identified. The
resulting critical control points were pasteurization, packaging and sealing, and
preventive and corrective measures were designed to ensure production with
greater safety.
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