Bioadsorption of nickel Mining Company by residual biomass Phyllanthus Orbicularis

  • Ariel Díaz-Puig Empresa Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara, Moa, Holguín
  • Alina Chaviano-Beitra Centro de Estudios de Medio Ambiente. Instituto Superior Minero-Metalúrgico de Moa, Holguín
  • Asel Guilarte-Gainza Empresa Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara, Moa, Holguín
  • Rosa M. Pérez-Silva Centro de Estudios de Biotecnología Industrial (CEBI). Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas, Universidad de Oriente,Santiago de Cuba
Keywords: bioadsorption, nickel, Phyllanthusorbiculari, kinetics parameters, heavy metals, residualof the miningcompany.


Kinetic parameters for the adsorption of nickel were studied in the waste CalcinationPlant Company Ernesto Che Guevara biomass Phyllanthus orbicularis synthetic and industrial waste Calcination Plant enterprise solutions. The results showed that the major factors influencing the adsorption capacity of the biomass increases with increasing pH and the initial concentration of nickel in the effluent and is reduced by increasing the biomass concentration. Meanwhile, the removal efficiency of residual nickel increases with increasing pH and concentration of biomass and reduced when the initial concentration of nickel in the effluent increases. The adsorption capacity nickel biomass Phyllanthus orbicularis from synthetic solutions and industrial waste Calcination Plant Company Nickel "Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara" was 44,05 and 26,25 mg/g respectively. The adsorption process nickel biomass Phyllanthus orbicularis follows kinetics pseudo-second order and according to the values of free energy of adsorption obtained through model-RadushkevichDubinin was 267,26 kJ/mol, this nature demonstrates that corresponds to a process mediated by chemical adsorption where the formation of stable bonds between the functional groups present in the biomass and the metal ions predominates.
How to Cite
Díaz-Puig, A., Chaviano-Beitra, A., Guilarte-Gainza, A., & Pérez-Silva, R. (2017). Bioadsorption of nickel Mining Company by residual biomass Phyllanthus Orbicularis. Chemical Technology, 37(1), 58-76.