• Yalile Alfonso Valdés Centro de Gestión de la Información y Desarrollo de la Energía (CUBAENERGÍA)
  • Mayla F. Blanco Soto Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnología y Medio Ambiente
Keywords: algae, nutrition and feeding, medical applications, production of hydrogen, biodiesel and biofertilizer


Algae are unicellular and pluricellular aquatic organisms. The latter can be either microalgae or macroalgae, being microalgae the only unicelular living organism. Their habitat varies at different depths in freshwater, brackish or seawaters. They are a mass culture and have different applications such as: in the production of biological compounds, hydrogen, biodiesel and biofertilizers. They are also applied in water treatment. As the ingestion of algae produce a sense of filling, the cosmetic industry has included them in weight loss diets, in addition to being also appropriate to reduce stress and eliminate cellulites. They are an important human food source for their high content of main nutrients added to the diet. Consequently, the food industry uses them to elaborate food and to improve its
appearance. They are used as dietary supplement in animal feed because they contain carotenoides, assimilated pigments with anti-oxidant properties that are in high demand in sectors such as poultry and fish farming. In the cattle industry they are used as forage to improve milk quality and sperm amount.
Their bioactive elements have medical applications as a result of their antibacterial, antiviral and anticancerous effect; they also reduce cholesterol and their abundant quantity of fibber stimulates the activity of the intestinal tract. Algae were practically unknown to the western cuisine but now they have
already become quite popular and are marketed fresh, dehydrated or in capsules or pills (i.e. in pharmaceuticals) to be consumed as dietary supplements. These plants are found in huge quantities in the natural environment; they are feasible of being farmed or cultivated and constitute a rich nourishing
reserve for the future of mankind.
How to Cite
Alfonso Valdés, Y., & Blanco Soto, M. F. (2017). ALGAE, ALLIES IN THE PAST AND SUPPORT FOR THE FUTURE. Chemical Technology, 28(3), 46-50.