Determination of the Energy Potential of the Urban Solid Residuals in Three Municipalities of the County of Luanda, Angola
biogas, sanitary fillers, urban solid residuals, energy power
The biological conversion of the Urban Solid Residuals (USR) for energy purposes she comeswinning importance every day, once the urban residuals became considered a source of
alternative energy. To foresee the generation of resulting biogas of the process of biological
decomposition of the solid residuals of organic origin in the sanitary fillers is fundamental to
estimate the energy and economic balance of facilities of recovery of gas. For the appropriate
determination of the potential of generation of gases you employment the calculation
methodology presented by the Agency of Environmental Protection of United States. In this
context, the objective of this article is to quantify the potential of electric power generation
coming from the gas methane originating of the Urban Solid Residuals of the municipalities
Belas, Cacuaco and Viana of the County of Luanda in Angola. The available energy power was
determined annually of the three municipalities. The instinct demonstrates that the biogas flow e"> arrives at the maximum level and it possesses the maximum available Power in the year 2037,
obtaining stops the municipalities Belas, Cacuaco and Viana 3 330· 103, 1 206,13· 103 and
2 809,23· 103m3/ year of profitable methane respectively whose calculated energy potential was
respectively of 2 316,52, 1 358,88 and 3 165,02 kW. The carried out calculations not allow
alone to evaluate the energy potential of the filler, but also to evaluate, in certain way, the
environmental impact for the mitigation of emissions of gases of effect hothouse.
How to Cite
González-Diaz, D. Y., Gato-Clavell, I. T., Guillot, M. R., & Pires-Araújo, D. L. (2015). Determination of the Energy Potential of the Urban Solid Residuals in Three Municipalities of the County of Luanda, Angola. Chemical Technology, 35(1), 35-44.
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