Technical and economic evaluation of the project to obtain essential oils

  • Marlys Y. Véliz-Jaime Poder Popular de la provincia Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Yudith González-Diaz Departamento de Ingeniería Química. Facultad de Ingeniería Química y Agronomía. Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Yunier Martínez-Despaigne Fábrica de Cemento José Mercerón Allen
Keywords: steam trailing distillation, essential oils, investment, economic efficiency.


In Santiago de Cuba it is necessary to carry out studies that promote the development of economic, efficient and cost-effective technological processes that encourage the use of waste as a source of suitable raw materials for the production of high added value products such as oils Essentials. Due to the need to identify the appropriate technology for the obtaining of essential oils, in this work the technical and economic evaluation of the project of its obtaining was carried out, in which market, technical and economic studies were carried out. As a result of the work developed, the method of extraction by steam trawl was selected, the teams evaluated were those offered by the company FIGMAY SRL. The environmental effects at each stage of the project proved to be both mitigable and reversible. For the extractors at laboratory, pilot, semi-industrial and industrial scale, the NPV values were $ 772,95; $ 19 506,03; $ 97 168,99 and $ 199 209,84 respectively, the IIR values were 20 %, 40 %, 84 % and 119 % respectively and the investment is recovered in 7 years and 2 months, 3 years and 7 months, 1 year and 8 months, 1 year and 4 months respectively. In the economic evaluation carried out, profitability indicators are positive and favorable for all extractors, so the decision of which to acquire must be based on the availability of raw material in each entity.
How to Cite
Véliz-Jaime, M., González-Diaz, Y., & Martínez-Despaigne, Y. (2019). Technical and economic evaluation of the project to obtain essential oils. Chemical Technology, 39(1), 208-220.