Artisanal elaboration of chewy gummy candies with the addition of honey (ApisMellifera)

  • Dairon Iglesias-Guevara Universidad de La Habana, Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos, Departamento de Alimentos, La Habana, Cuba
  • Karime Bersabé Febles-Fresquet Universidad de La Habana, Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos, Departamento de Alimentos, La Habana, Cuba
  • Jesús Escandell-Comesaña Universidad de La Habana, Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos, Departamento de Alimentos, La Habana, Cuba
  • Jose Ariel Arencibia-Sánchez Universidad de La Habana, Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos, Departamento de Alimentos, La Habana, Cuba
Keywords: gummies; honey; gelatin; xanthan gum.


Due to the rise of functional sweets, it would be important to produce a honeycomb candy seeking to offer a product that is beneficial to health and has pleasant sensory characteristics. The objective of this research was to formulate a gum-type chewy candy with added honey. A physical-chemical analysis was carried out on the honey used as raw material. An experimental design was carried out 23 where the levels of honey (25-30 %), gelatin (12-15 %) and xanthan gum (0,4-0,8%) were established. The response variable was the sensory analysis, evaluating the level of liking for the formulations designed. Strawberry flavor and red coloring were added to the best formulation, which was tasted by 9 judges trained in confectionery products to determine global quality with a 5-point scale (1-terrible; 5-excellent). The honey met the specifications established by Cuban standards. From the experimental design it was concluded that run 8 with 15% gelatin, 30% honey and 0,4% xanthan gum was the one that obtained the highest acceptance. The analysis of variance showed that only factor C (xanthan gum) and the interactions AB (gelatin-honey) and AC (gelatin-xanthan gum) significantly influenced the sensory response. The judges' response was marked by an appreciation of the overall quality of the product of "Bueno", these reflected defects in the candies as they were not very fractureable (very elastic).


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How to Cite
Iglesias-Guevara, D., Febles-Fresquet, K. B., Escandell-Comesaña, J., & Arencibia-Sánchez, J. A. (2022). Artisanal elaboration of chewy gummy candies with the addition of honey (ApisMellifera). Chemical Technology, 42(2), 174-192. Retrieved from

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