Inhibition of lipid oxidation in ground meat by an extract of TaliparitielatumSw

Keywords: antioxidant; plant extract; majagua flower; polyphenols.


Increasing the shelf life of meat products is one of the fundamental objectives of the agri-food industry. The addition of natural antioxidants is an effective way to retard oxidation in meat matrices. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of a hydroalcoholic extract of Taliparitielatum Sw. on the inhibition of lipid oxidation in ground pork. The extract was prepared maintaining a 1:2 mass/solvent ratio, with a 78 % (v-v) hydroalcoholic mixture and added at concentrations of 0,5; 1,5 and 3 % (v/p) to the samples of ground pork. The inhibition of lipid oxidation was carried out through the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) method. The phytochemical profile of the majagua flower extract indicated the presence of phenolic compounds. The extract presented a polyphenol content of 10,30 mg AGE/ml with 91,65 % discoloration of the ABTS●+ radical. All concentrations showed an antioxidant effect. The minimum concentration 0,5 % (51 mg AGE/kg of meat) was able to inhibit the formation of TBARS by 61,7 % with respect to the control. The majagua flower extract was able to inhibit lipid peroxidation on refrigerated ground pork in all the concentrations evaluated, being greater as its concentration increased. This constitutes the first evidence of the antioxidant power of the extract in a food system.


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How to Cite
Iglesias-Guevara, D., & Casariego-Año, A. (2023). Inhibition of lipid oxidation in ground meat by an extract of TaliparitielatumSw. Chemical Technology, 43(3), 571-586. Retrieved from

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