Evaluation of the quality of the water served by potabilizadora to Santiago from Cuba

Keywords: quality of the water; nets of supply; storage conditions


The paper analyzes the quality of the water supplied by the potable water treatment plant Altos of Quintero to the city of Santiago de Cuba through the study of five consumers. The quality of the parameters analyzed was determined for pH, color, turbidity, residual free chlorine and determination of total and fecal coliforms, resulting in La Colonia, La Cervecería Hatuey and the Combined Milk, which residual free chlorine and turbidity are outside the norm in some occasions. The effects of the quality of drinking water coming from the potabilizer were mainly the deterioration of the infrastructure of the supply networks and poor storage conditions of the liquid in the above mentioned institutions. Options are presented to ensure that water quality is maintained in the different consumption centers and a predictable model is proposed that allows the maximum time that guarantees the minimum level of allowable residual chlorine that a consumer source should have.


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How to Cite
Arias-Lafargue, T., Arias-Zamora, S., Portuondo-Savón, D., & Álvarez-Monier, E. (2024). Evaluation of the quality of the water served by potabilizadora to Santiago from Cuba. Chemical Technology, 44(1), 233-253. Retrieved from https://tecnologiaquimica.uo.edu.cu/index.php/tq/article/view/5403

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