Viable Choice to Recover Pasteurization Waters

  • MSc. Telvia Arias-Lafargue Facultad Ingeniería Química, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba


To reduce the pollution that is discharged into the bay from Hatuey Brewery, we designed a pumping system to recover water used in the process of pasteurization and bottling of beer maltinas city of
Santiago de Cuba. The proposed system has commercial steel pipe 3,1/2'’ std, 2 pumps B.S.C. 50-30 and 2 tanks 3 capacity for storing hot and cold water respectively. The proposal allows to
reduce the production cost by saving process water and gas emissions combustion products achieving savings of 1 642,81 kg/h of steam which represents a fuel saving 241 ton/year, representing a saving of $ 15 455,96/year.
How to Cite
Arias-Lafargue, M. T. (2015). Viable Choice to Recover Pasteurization Waters. Chemical Technology, 34(1), 32-41.