Employ of MatLab in practical lesson of enzymatic kinetic of Fundamentals of Biotechnology for Chemical engineering

  • Dunia Rodríguez-Heredia Facultad de Ingeniería Química y Agronomía, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Henry Bory-Prevez Facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
Keywords: fundamentals of biotechnology, enzymatic kinetic, MatLab.


In the practical lesson of enzymatic kinetic of the subject Fundamentals of Biotechnology for Chemistry Engineering, for E Plan, it analyzes the inhibitors influence in the reaction speed catalyzed by enzymes, the effect of chemistry and physical factors in the enzymatic activities and the kinetic parameters calculate graphically. In this academic activity the students must plot several times to solve the indicated exercises. Taking in account the above and the fact that in the cuban superior education is established the necessity of each subject has associated a computational aid software, is stated as objective to use the MatLab as mathematical aid in the solution of exercises corresponding to the practical lesson of enzymatic kinetic of the subject Fundamentals of Biotechnology in E Plan. It exposes two exercises to resolve in this practical lesson, it showed the way that this exercises would resolve employing MatLab and as last it presents the advantages of working with this professional software. It is concluded that the subject is linked with the computation director program at the same time it is employed a new programming language for the students which is useful for them as base for the control of Chemical Processes.

How to Cite
Rodríguez-Heredia, D., & Bory-Prevez, H. (2019). Employ of MatLab in practical lesson of enzymatic kinetic of Fundamentals of Biotechnology for Chemical engineering. Chemical Technology, 39(3), 579-593. https://doi.org/10.1590/2224-6185.2019.3.%x