Potential extraction of nickel and cobalt with lateritic mineral from the “Pinares de Mayarí” mine in the Caron technology. Part I

Keywords: laterites; leaching; nickel; redox potential; reduction.


The leaching of a reduced lateritic mineral (RLM) sample in ammonia carbonate solution was experimentally studied to validate the effect of the specific air flow (K), in m3∙t-1∙min-1, on the potential extraction of nickel and cobalt. The reduction was carried out in a Selas furnace, at 700ºC and adding fuel-oil additive; for its part, for leaching, a suspension at 6,6 % by weight of solids was prepared, with 90 g/L of dissolved ammonia and a NH3/CO2 ratio of 1,8. The RLM was characterized by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry and had an average content of nickel of 1,03 %, cobalt 0,124 % and iron 55,9 %. It was confirmed that it is valid to apply, for a redox potential Eh≤-455 mV, K=1,3; and for Eh>-455 mV, K=1,8; and nickel extractable increased by 1,4%, and cobalt between 1,0 and 3,6% with respect to the traditional specific flow. The inverse of ferrous iron in the RLM had a statistically significant relationship with the redox potential and the extractable, which suggested assuming the measurement of Eh as a physical test to estimate the extraction potential.


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How to Cite
Rojas-Vargas, A., Sánchez-Guillen, C., Magaña-Haynes, M. E., & Hernández-Pedrera, C. (2021). Potential extraction of nickel and cobalt with lateritic mineral from the “Pinares de Mayarí” mine in the Caron technology. Part I. Chemical Technology, 41(3), 523-535. Retrieved from https://tecnologiaquimica.uo.edu.cu/index.php/tq/article/view/5208

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