Potential extraction of nickel and cobalt with lateritic mineral from the “Pinares de Mayarí” mine in the Caron technology. Part II

Keywords: laterites, leaching; nickel; redox potential; reduction.


The potential extraction of nickel and cobalt from a lateritic mineral sample was experimentally determined at a pilot plant scale. The reduction was carried out in a multi-hearth furnace, at a temperature of 750ºC in the hearth H-15 and 3% additive oil was dosed. For its part, for leaching a suspension at 6,6% by weight of solidswas prepared, with 90 g/L of dissolved ammonia and a NH3/CO2 ratio of 1,8. The reduced mineral was characterized by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry and had an average content of nickel of 1,26%, cobalt 0,132% andiron 51,8%. Nickel extractable between 89-92% was obtained for redox potential Eh≤-500 mV. The inverse of ferrous iron in the reduce mineral had a statistically significant relationship with the redox potential and the extractable; these interactions were valid with the ore processed in the industry of “Mina Martí” and “Pinares de Mayarí” mining fronts. Extractable and Eh profiles were analyzed in the industrial furnace, which could be of interest for the investigations and the correction of the operation; finally, recommendations were issued to measure the potential reliably.


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How to Cite
Rojas-Vargas, A., Sánchez-Guillen, C., Magaña-Haynes, M. E., & Hernández-Pedrera, C. (2022). Potential extraction of nickel and cobalt with lateritic mineral from the “Pinares de Mayarí” mine in the Caron technology. Part II. Chemical Technology, 42(3), 405-419. Retrieved from https://tecnologiaquimica.uo.edu.cu/index.php/tq/article/view/5270