Torula yeast: review of its features, applications and influence of magnetic field on its growth

  • Claudia Arias-Rodríguez Centro Nacional de Electromagnetismo Aplicado, Universidad de Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Dunia Rodriguez-Heredia Facultad de Ingeniería Química y Agronomía, Universidad de Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Siannah María Más-Diego Centro Nacional de Electromagnetismo Aplicado, Universidad de Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Héctor Elpidio Tejera-Cisneros Centro Nacional de Electromagnetismo Aplicado, Universidad de Oriente. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
Keywords: Candida utilis; torula yeast; unicellular protein; alternative food; magnetic fields.


Candida utilis (torula yeast) is the most widely used yeast as an animal feed supplement due to its high content of B vitamin, minerals and amino acids, therefore, in order to use it as food, studies have been carried out to increase its growth rate and production, highlighting the use of magnetic fields. This paper constitutes a review of the main characteristics of this yeast, its use as an alternative food worldwide and in Cuba, as well as the effect of the application of magnetic fields on its growth. The results of the review carried out show that Candida utilis is used in the production of unicellular protein, due to its ability to use a variety of carbon sources, being able to replace traditional protein sources. Although several investigations are reported in which the application of a static magnetic field causes an increase in the growth of fungi and yeasts, few reports were found in relation to the torula yeast, even so, it is found that low-intensity magnetic fields increase the cell biomass of this yeast.


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How to Cite
Arias-Rodríguez, C., Rodriguez-Heredia, D., Más-Diego, S. M., & Tejera-Cisneros, H. E. (2023). Torula yeast: review of its features, applications and influence of magnetic field on its growth. Chemical Technology, 43(2), 309-330. Retrieved from

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